Product video of Smart Safety Harness Monitoring Solution
Background analysis
The solution
System function
Product video of Smart Safety Harness Monitoring
Background analysis
In construction operations, high-altitude work is the most common high-risk operation and one of the main causes of safety accidents in enterprises. According to data statistics, more than 50% of personal injuries on construction sites are caused by high-altitude work accidents. High altitude work results in falls, ranging from minor injuries to lifelong disabilities or even loss of life. How to ensure the safety of personnel during high-altitude operations in enterprises is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed.
Global Safety Report by the International Aerial Platforms Federation (IPAF): Falls from heights top the list of types of manufacturing accidents resulting in serious injuries and fatalities over the past decade (2012-2022)
The solution
Combined with the Internet of things, big data technology, the design of "smart safety harness monitor (array)", through the "intelligent wearable equipment + cloud monitoring center" to achieve the "no safety harness", "safety harness hanging empty", "safety harness hanging low and high" and other types of violations of real-time monitoring and remote supervision, closed-loop management. Through the "intelligent wearable device + cloud monitoring center", it realizes real-time monitoring and remote supervision and closed-loop management of all kinds of violations such as "not wearing a safety harness ", "safety harness hanging empty", "low hanging and high use of the safety harness " and so on.